Bulk Landscaping Mulch Saves Time and Money

Choose from Three Popular Mulch Colors: Natural, Brown or Red

Less Packaging and Cost than Buying by the Bag

Easily Transform Your Yard with a Splash of Color

Buy Wood Landscape Mulch in Bulk and Save!

Nothing spruces up your yard and flower gardens like a new layer of fresh wood mulch. The contrast of the lush green flowers or shrubs against a background of beautiful mulch is a site to behold.

There are few landscape projects that take so little time and increase the attractiveness of your yard like putting down wood mulch. A two to three inch layer of mulch helps prevent weeds from growing, maintains ground moisture, and beautifies your home.

If you're like a lot of do-it-yourself homeowners in Nebraska, buying mulch at the local hardware store is expensive and there is too much waste from the plastic packaging that gets dumped into the landfill and does not decompose. Being a green gardner should be the goal of every homeowner and reducing waste is a great way to start.

D & D Industries manufactures bulk landscape mulch that can be loaded into a pickup or trailer, eliminating the need for bagged mulch. Our garden mulch is created by coloring finely chopped, chemical-free wood pallets with a non-toxic dye. It's perfectly safe for both your pets and your plants.

Colorants will remain bright through the growing season and often into the next year. Mulch placed out of direct contact with rain or sprinklers, such as under an elevated deck, will maintain it's color for several years. You can also increase the longevity of the color by using drip watering systems. This not only directs the water only where it's needed, but also conserves water.

There are sources of free mulch in Kearney, but do you really want to use mulch that possibly came from insect-infested trees? Make the smart choice by chosing D&D Industries colored wood mulch.


Nebraska Wood Mulch

Wood mulch is easily applied around landscape plantings, rocks and retaining walls

Benefits of Mulching

Wood mulch does more than just give your yard an attractive appearance. There are lots of benefits of using mulch as ground cover! Read the Benefits

Helpful Application Tips

Spreading mulch around your garden or landscaping is made easier if you have a few tools available at any hardware store or big box retailer. Read the Tips

Nebraska Locations

D&D Industries has two Nebraska locations to serve you. Our Kearney location serves central Nebraska and our Madison location serves northeast Nebraska.